ALT.NET Seattle Upcoming Events

There are several upcoming ALT.NET Seattle events. Meetings are open to any developer who is passionate about writing software and eager to get better and it. You don't need permission or an invite to show up. Simply show up and participate.

Our meetings are somewhat different from the Olympia .NET Users Group in that we typically don't have a set presenter. We are all presenters. We follow an Open Spaces format. You probably also won't find many demonstrations of Visual Studio RAD tools either. Here are a sampling of topics that I have attended:

  • Dependancy Injection
  • GIT Source Control
  • NHibernate
  • MEF
  • Continuous Integration/Improvement
  • Agile Adoption

Meetings are held at the Microsoft Westlake Avenue office. The meetings are usually held from 10:00 AM - 5:00PM on a Saturday. The next meeting appears to be on the 17th of January. The February meeting appears to be getting lined up for the 7th but may be postponed to the lager ALT.NET Seattle 2009 Conf.

The ALT.NET Seattle 2009 Conf was just announced this week. It is planned for the weekend prior to the Microsoft MVP Summit, February 27th - March 1st. Registration opens at 6:00PM PST, Tuesday January 6th here. Admission is free, but space is limited to the first 150 people to register.