South Sound .NET Presents: Charlie Poole on Communicating With Tests - Test-Centric Project Organization

The South Sound .NET User Group is proud to announce an evening with Charlie Poole this coming Thursday night. The meeting will be held at our usual time of 7:00-9:00PM at the Olympia Center (222 Columbia NW, Rm 101).

Charlie Poole has spent more than 30 years as a software developer, designer, project manager, trainer and coach. After a long career in the government sector, he began working independently in 1996 with clients ranging from Microsoft to government agencies to internet startups.

Charlie's technical background is long and broad. In recent years, he has specialized in C++ and C# development in cross-platform settings. He has worked with the .NET framework since its inception, is one of the authors of the NUnit .NET testing framework and contributes to several other Open Source projects.

"For the past ten years, Charlie has worked as an Agile coach and trainer. He is a familiar presence at Agile and Open Source events and is one of the founders of the Agile Open Northwest conference."

Like many folks, I started out with simple unit testing after the fact and eventually proceeded to Test-Driven Development. As I have ripened in age and (hopefully) experience I have started to see the need for something beyond TDD, BDD, STDD, DDD, etc - something that works at all levels of a project and for all project roles - developers, testers, managers and customers included.

In this talk, I'll tell about my own journey and where I think we need to go if we want to move beyond nominal "Agile Development" to real mastery. Along the way, I'll illustrate with bits of NUnit tests (including some new features) as well as some other testing approaches."