South Sound .NET Users Group Schedule Filling Up With Pure Awesomeness!

So last week I threw up the bat signal to the internets in an effort to help my local user group find some speakers for the coming months. The response has been great and I have successfully booked some great speakers. I set a goal to book six months of “no wizard based demo” speakers and I am quickly achieving that goal.

Here is a sample of what is coming in the next few months. I have made up titles for the presentations based on discussions with the presenters, so they are subject to change once then have finalized their presentations. But you get the idea. This stuff is going to be a code monkeys dream come true.

October 8th [Jeff Olson]( Introduction to TDD & Context/Specification Testing
November 12th [Eric Lee]( Common Anti-Patterns in Legacy Code & How to Work Your Way Out of Them
December 10th [James Thigpen]( Introduction to MVP in WinForms Applications
January 14th
February 11th [Jason Olson]( Parallel Programming with Visual Studio 2010
March 11th
April 8th

I have also heard from Chris Tavares (Enterprise Library 5), Chris Bilson (Introduction to PowerShell), Ron Woan (Mr. Awesome) and Justin Bozonier and am working out dates with them.