SSDotNet Meeting Feb. 12th / Dependency Injection by Bobby Johnson

Please join us Thursday, February 12th, to eat pizza and enjoy a informative presentation by Bobby Johnson on Dependency Injection: A Beginners Guild to Why Ninjas Are Awesome

Special thanks to Alliance Enterprises for providing pizza.

Presentation Summary
This presentation will describe the core concepts of Dependency Injection (DI), first described by Martin Fowler in his article Inversion of Control (IoC) Containers and the Dependency Injection Pattern.

The presentation will highlight the benefits of Dependency Injection including:

  • Creating classes that are easier to unit test in isolation
  • Promotes loose coupling between classes and subsystems
  • Adds potential flexibility to a codebase for future changes
  • Can enable better code reuse

Bobby will also be sharing simple and fun examples on how to use DI along with a real world example of its use in a web-based application.

__Speaker Bio
__Bobby Johnson is a Senior Software Developer at Alliance Enterprises, a performance management software company based in Lacey, Washington. As an avid enthusiast of Agile methods and a self proclaimed code monkey, Bobby is currently focused on overseeing the implementation of Agile techniques like DDD, TDD, CI into Alliance's software and quality engineering processes. Prior to joining Alliance, Bobby worked at the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries as a Development Specialist.

To find out more about Bobby and his technical misadventures visit his blog at
Meeting Specifics
February 12th, 7 - 9 pm
Olympia Center (222 Columbia NW)

All attendees are eligible for the prize drawings. Past prizes have included technical books, passes to Devscovery, copies of Visual Studio, Vista, Office 2007 and more.

Don't forget to let your friends and co-workers know about this meeting. Feel free to forward this email and/or direct them to for more information.

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